Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Long Time

It's been a long time. Sorry. It's after Christmas and I had a good time in Kirksville. Working 50 hours a week makes you tired. But, I guess people used to work 60-80 hours a week for 6 days. Having Sunday off. I learned lots of new thins in my "Made in America" book. Bill Bryson does a really good job. I would like to write a book on all the stuff our teachers are teaching wrong in school. Maybe if I took it from an education perspective and not history perspective, it might get published. But I have no history degree, so no agent would look at a history book by me.
Also, I got a 188 on the Elementary Education test. The highest is 200 and the average is 177. That is kind of scary though- people taking these tests and have not taken a course on the subject. But mainly, I wanted to pass because the test costs $100 and I didn't want to spend any more money on another test.
Josh Groban is on PBS tonight and I must work. Bummer.