Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Last Post Here

Everything from now on will be at:

Hamster Town has been invaded by the ever-elusive gray tabby cat. It is no longer safe here.

A Brave New Blog

So, I think I am going to start a new blog. This one is getting poopy and depressing because I have no one to rant at. Therefore this will be my last entry and I will work on designing a new one!! Woo hoo!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ender's Game Books 3 and 4

So I started "Children of the Mind" before "Xenocide" by Orson Scott Card in error. Now I'm almost done with "Xenocide" which surrounds the following problem: stopping the Lusitania fleet from reaching and destroying the planet, finding a way to destroy the descolada virus without killing the piggies, using faster-than-light flight, and Ender's wife has left him. So sad.

Except for the paragraphs of talking and talking just to reach a conclusion it is a good book. I guess you can't expect a fast paced book.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

More TV to ignore

Now that I have 200 channels at my fingertips instead of 10 I still have nothing to watch. It is all junk and children under age 2 are not supposed to watch television anyway. None of my shows will be on until September... which all you need is some rabbit ears for.

New books I finished: "Shadow Puppets" and "Shadow of the Hegemon" were recent books I finished in my quest to complete the Ender's Game series. Very good - though the Bean and Petra subplot seems a little far-fetched. Oh well - I hope he gets the new book out soon to tie together some questions.

Attended Kindermusik with Maddox today and I wasn't that impressed. I thought that the Gateway Music teacher did a much better job and had a better program put together. Maddox just wanted to play in the kitchen with the cabinets. I certainly will not pay $60 for playing with kitchen cabinets.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I really should post when having a good day, huh?
Well the HOA meeting was today and it was dumb as usual. I am so tired of Lake St. Louis in general I just want to run away screaming and find a house in a GOOD school district. But the housing market stinks!
William ordered additional cable channels (even though our perfectly good antennae picks them up just fine for local) which will cost another $50 something per month. So much for college tuition! Like I'm going to have all this time to watch 200 channels while taking care of two children.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Poopy Day

So it is barely even noon and it has been a REALLY poopy day.
Maddox woke up at 6:20am. Even early for him.
Nothing around here other than Walmart and Target seems to be open before 10am. This really stinks when you have to be home by around 11:30am for naps. You can hardly get ANYthing done at all. And you can't really go after naptime because then you run into all kinds of traffic. Speaking of traffic, here are the poopy things that happened:
-Waking up early
-The car has NO stroller inside!!! Just great!
-Maddox wanders aimlessly around Christian bookstore driving me up the wall and is in a terrible mood.
-I just changed his diaper before we left and he manages to pee through EVERYthing
-I am passing Victoria's Secret where the nice lady helps me find free underwear when the Coupon is missing!! All I had in my envelope was the paper - no card. So no free underwear for me and wasted more time.
-Somehow I get caught in traffic anyway and I-70 west is in a standstill. Idiots can't drive in the rain. Oh yeah - it started raining when I left the mall. Just fabulous.
-Yeah, did I mention Maddox is in a terrible mood?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wii Fit

Wii Fit is probably one of the neatest workouts ever! I love all the options and games. Nap time.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mom Groups

I don't have my hair cut for $100 nor pay someone else to clean my house. So I guess I don't belong to either group. Sigh. Just need to find a group that likes discussing things other than their hair and Oprah, and doesn't care about their appearance to an extreme extent.

I have my very own dumpster!!! The dumpster will be here until Friday and my "throw away" mode can seriously go to town.