Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Poopy Day

So it is barely even noon and it has been a REALLY poopy day.
Maddox woke up at 6:20am. Even early for him.
Nothing around here other than Walmart and Target seems to be open before 10am. This really stinks when you have to be home by around 11:30am for naps. You can hardly get ANYthing done at all. And you can't really go after naptime because then you run into all kinds of traffic. Speaking of traffic, here are the poopy things that happened:
-Waking up early
-The car has NO stroller inside!!! Just great!
-Maddox wanders aimlessly around Christian bookstore driving me up the wall and is in a terrible mood.
-I just changed his diaper before we left and he manages to pee through EVERYthing
-I am passing Victoria's Secret where the nice lady helps me find free underwear when the Coupon is missing!! All I had in my envelope was the paper - no card. So no free underwear for me and wasted more time.
-Somehow I get caught in traffic anyway and I-70 west is in a standstill. Idiots can't drive in the rain. Oh yeah - it started raining when I left the mall. Just fabulous.
-Yeah, did I mention Maddox is in a terrible mood?

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