Friday, May 02, 2008

The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!

Ken Ham pushes that dinosaurs and humans lived side by side and the earth is only 6000 years old. The documentation in his book isn't very good and can only give one or two examples without going in depth. I like his enthusiasm, but not the book.

Remember to finish reading the Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card. I'm not sure why I quit reading this.... perhaps it is because I didn't realize it was a series. I read Ender's Game a few years ago. Here is the list of the series to take to the library:
* Ender's Game
* A War of Gifts: An Ender Story (set during Ender's Game)
* Ender's Shadow
* Shadow of the Hegemon
* Shadow Puppets
* Shadow of the Giant
* Speaker for the Dead
* Xenocide
* Children of the Mind

The Dave Glover show has been advertising Blue Sky Creamery ice cream like it is better than sex or something. I tried it today - it was okay. I still think Cold Stone tastes much better. Blue Sky almost had a "ice milk" after-taste. Bummer. I was very disappointed. He is also advertising Gateway Credit Union's checking account which gives you 5.15% - which is true but ONLY up to $1500 balance, IF you make 15 non-pin debit transactions and do everything electronically so they don't have to spend money sending you statements. Now if I could get that rate up to $15000, I would have start thinking about it.

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