Monday, May 19, 2008

Ender's Shadow

Finally finished "Ender's Shadow" and I am onto another Shadow book. I just got it so I don't even remember what it's called. LOL Ender's Shadow was GREAT as usual. Plot, characters, style, Everything. Orson Scott Card is SUCH a talented writer. Too bad he's mormon. LOL

I am deleting my gripe with Amazon. After they stated on the account that my Wii Fit will be delivered on May 27th and won't arrive until June 3rd - they sent me a UPS Tracking number showing it will arrive on the release date!!! I LOVE Amazon!! I don't have to wait in line; I don't have to pay sales tax!! Can't get better than that. And around here I saved like over 7% in sales tax alone.

Oh, the book I couldn't remember is The Shadow of the Giant. It is kinda weird... maybe it is because so many of their books have children in them, it is difficult to think of everyone as adults now.

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