Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Truth Project Part 5.1

Well somehow we managed to skip the "Who is God?" DVD part 4 of the series and moved onto Part 5 Section 1 Science. We skipped part 4 b/c it was deemed boring by the leader. But Part 5.1 could have been just as boring. It was how evolution and Darwin are wrong and here is why - in less than 20 min. Not much depth and didn't tell me anything I didn't already read in Michael Denton's book or the book "Doubt about Darwin". Neither of which the guy mentioned. Also, he didn't split it into micro and macro evolution which I find very significant when trying to argue against Darwiners.

I guess I'm not a soccer mom. Everyone at the playground seemed to have the same kind of tennis shoes and the cute little matching sportswear. Me - I'm wearing socks with sandals b/c I hate sitting there to tie my shoe, slacks and a t-shirt. Oh, and I wasn't wearing the oh-so-fashionable bug-eyed sunglasses that are now the rage here and were the rage on the west coast like 10 years ago.

I doubt any of the moms were toting a copy of "Mental Floss" magazine either. LOL. That is the coolest magazine EVER.

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