Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Keeping the Masses Preoccupied

Apple has done it again in keeping the masses preoccupied with entertainment so they can avoid their own lives and not involve themselves in the great world around them. Apple announced today of the world's smallest laptop and that they will have movies to download more easily to the iPhone and iPod. See article.

Finished "Can't Wait to Get to Heaven" - it was a pretty good book. Not a classic, but a fun read. The kind of "It's a Wonderful Life" kind of mentality. The recipes in the back of the book were a GREAT touch.

Hints for cleaning: Why buy 35 sheets of Clorox wipes when you can buy 500 baby wipes for $7.50 and spray a little cleaning solution on them?

Let's Dish! - is expensive!! And not that great either. Just good. Though it is much easier and has more variety than me trying to figure out what we're going to eat each night. Hubby wasn't too thrilled with the price... but meat IS expensive. Chicken not so much. So from now on I will take their ingredients, directions and description and work my way backwards and try to make the meals.

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