Monday, December 03, 2007

Ken Jennings' Blog and the Pagans Celebrate Christmas

Even Ken Jennings has his own blog!

Also, I retract my going off on Aldi b/c of their OJ prices. Everyone else's is higher priced, too. Perhaps I have been in a time warp. I used to spend maybe $40 on groceries in a two week period. Now I can't leave the grocery store without $90 and that doesn't have to include baby items either.

PBS - St. Louis is raising money once again. I taped Celtic Woman: Christmas to see if they had any good numbers. Then I realized: the Celts were pagans... so why are they celebrating Christmas and singing happy Christmas songs? They were polytheists in fact. Oh the irony. But Celtic Woman Christmas is selling their tickets and making their money so they do not mind the contradiction.

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