Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christ-mass

If anyone puts "X-mas" again I will scream!!! How blatantly obvious of an attempt to take Christ out of Christmas can one get?

Christmas wasn't too bad. I think it will get more fun when kiddo realizes what is going on.

Maddox had a great first bday party. Flu and cold hitting many people hard so about half couldn't attend.

I started playing WOW on our own server and like it a lot. Contact me if you would like to join. My character's name in the game is "Luscious". It is totally hilarious b/c now everyone says "Greetings Luscious" in the game.

If attending a birthday party for someone get them a GIFT. And if you don't, then that is fine, but do not go running to the store in the middle of the party to buy yourself crap you don't need.

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