Monday, March 17, 2008

Update on "World without End"

Finally finished "World without End" by Ken Follett which is 1016 pages - Even longer than the first!! Since it is requested at the library often I had only 2 weeks to finish and skipped quite a few paragraphs that didn't have to do with plot. Very good book! And he reduced a lot of the sex scenes... I wonder if that is because of complaints from the first book or maybe Ken is just happier now in that aspect of his life. LOL

"unSpun: Finding Facts in a World of Disinformation" by Brooks Jackson. Possibly one of the BEST non-fiction reads I have. I may have to buy it since this book is also heavily requested at the library. But anyway, the premise is that companies and politicians lie to us all the time and the book explains how they do it. Makes your blood boil by how much they lie to you.

"The Perfect Stranger" is a recent Christian movie I watched and had to stop it in the middle. I just couldn't finish. The characters were one-dimensional, the dialogue mainly gradeschool Christianity, the setting was this Italian restaurant that makes you think more about the food than anything else. Oh I just couldn't take it anymore. Do not watch this movie. What a waste of time. This is why people don't watch Christian movies - they make these cheap ones that are awful so you don't even see or recognize the good ones.

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