Saturday, March 01, 2008

You Need a Binky

This is my new slogan. Nobody steal it because I'm going to put it on T-shirts and make millions :-) But seriously - it needs to be on a t-shirt because it is well... much funnier than those other shirts.

The Easter Egg hunt fliers are distributed. Without a watch, I hadn't realized I had walked to every house on Flintshire Lane in 70 minutes. Yes - walking 70 minutes HURTS. I didn't realize until later I was completely drained of all energy. Next year maybe I'll just make some posters!

My laptop is now fixed. After falling down a flight of stairs the screen didn't open too well so we had to buy a new top. Mind you I couldn't find another GREEN one. Now I have a red one. The green is so pretty though - I will miss it.

And remember, you probably need a binky. :-)

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