Sunday, August 29, 2004


Well, in the past 4 days I've read two large books and one partial book. "Ender's Game" and "The Da Vinci Code". Some of "Fast Food Nation" It seemed that I would have to wait years for it to come out on paperback or years until I was next in line for it at the library.

"Ender's Game" Definitely not for girls. The boy humor is well, for boys. I can forgive that. I really really liked this book. The ending was good. The second ending seemed to be just a set up for a series. Well, you can't really blame the author for that. I could hardly put it down. I always forgot they were just little kids. Somehow, when I pictured the events in my mind, the dialogue always made me want to put adults in the place of the children characters.

"The Da Vinci Code" I really liked the book. He is a good writer, in style, plot and character. However, the ending sucks. Do not read the epilogue. I think it was retarded, and I would have been happier not reading it at all. Also, I do not understand the whole hoopla that the public seems to be going through. One, they must already doubt their faith, and this piece of fiction confirms it. Two, the ignorant public believes that this piece of fiction is fact. Mr. Brown clearly states the facts in the beginning of the book. He intertwines fiction and fact together that the public does not know which is which.
As a result, I will try to find the Dead Sea Scrolls and read them. They may be online somewhere translated into English. I know there is a copy at Hastings Bookstore. One huge contradiction: Brown states Mary Magdalene was demonized by the Catholic Church and turned into a whore. Well, then why did the Catholic Church make her SAINT Mary Magdalene?

"Fast Food Nation" is really interesting. It backs up all of my knowledge and wonderings of the advertising world, and how they will stop at nothing to make a buck.

Also, I heard an interesting conversation on the radio. Basically, even though some people are fed up with the economy, being out of work, etc., they will still vote Republican. And why? Because they hold their values higher than the bottom line. Doesn't that just kick butt? They would rather vote against killing babies and the right to carry and live with a wobbly economy than bow to the almighty dollar.

Oh well.

Happy Birthday to me. In two more hours I will be 25 years old. Maybe Mary will remember....

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