Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Mysterious Ways

Last week, I was working for a company called PracticeMatch, Inc. I thought it would be the change I was looking for. However, after 3 days on the phone I knew it was not for me. Something told me I had to quit. Also, in order to do a good and less stressful job, I had to work nights. This meant missing choir practice and lots of church things. So I quit Wednesday to go to choir practice. That night I met another new person. She happened to work for Francis Howell School District as a Coordinator. There happened to be many job openings in her department at all levels. It isn't the age group I'm used to looking for, but I've done stuff like this before and really enjoyed it. Very interesting coincidence!

I just applied for 3 jobs at FHSD. Hopefully, something will turn up. In the meantime, I am working at Schnuck's. I'd rather work there than where I was before, even if I'm standing for hours on end. I still like the meeting new people. 99% of the time people there are really great. One of the lazy butt cashiers from before left! yeah!

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