Saturday, August 21, 2004


Ya know in Full-day Kindergarten you get naps? Well, I just had one. In the middle of the afternoon, I couldn't walk, read or talk anymore, just had to sleep. It was very weird. Then I woke up the sounds of my spouse playing his computer games in the next room.

Every education book that I have read lists things and skills that every Kindergartner, 1st grader, 2nd grader, etc. should know. But, I know for a fact that some of those things in those lists were not taught. I did not have one 11th grader at Knox that knew what a noun was or had the faintest idea. Yet, 6th graders are supposed to be able to know how to diagram basic sentences.

After trying to play "Song For Ireland" I am reminded once again how much I suck at playing bass clef and how much I really really suck at playing treble and bass cleff at the same time. Maybe I am deformed in such a way that it is impossible. I dunno. I'm probably just looking for excuses.

This is a really funny website:

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