Wednesday, September 29, 2004

WIC and Satan

I'm starting to read "The Origin of Satan". It is pretty interesting.
I have applied at Mohela, the student loan company, for a customer service representative. They will be revieweing resumes and choosing the most "qualified" candidates. But hey, I applied and they actually sent me an email back in response. That was very nice.
I officially hate welfare. I had 1 minute left of work and this woman with 3 screaming kids comes into my line with 3 WIC checks, a Food stamp order and a can of air freshner. So I left late thanks to the woman who didn't separate her WIC stuff out. They gave me my break early, so I had been on my feet for 3 hours straight and get stupid woman. And you can probably guess the nationality. Same one as everyone else on food stamps. It's ironic how I would have more medical coverage if I had a baby, if I quit my job instead of working. Some may argue that "it helps them out until they find a job." Well, I know these people and I've been checking them out for 5 years. Some were on WIC even longer than that.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


If you leave a McDonald's hamburger at room temperature for 2 weeks, it will not grow mold or anything. ewwwww.

Francis Howell sucks. You cannot get through to anyone. They bounce you around in limbo and do not answer your questions unless you harass them and keep calling. The interviewers lie to you and do not notify you if there is a change of plans. The associate principal kept me waiting 5-8 minutes past my interview time. They do not return your phone calls. And I thought that the dinky little school districts in Northeast Missouri were not so professional. The administration there was 100X more professional than the run around of this district. I have more teaching experience and a higher degree than some of the Coordinators of this program, so I can complain. :-)

At St. Joseph School, I substituted half a day. Well, the kids had there reading time. We ended up with an hour of reading time. These 7th graders read the whole time without as much as a peep. They were better than every 11th grader I had at Knox High School. I couldn't believe it. Perhaps there is hope for the world.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Working Late

I worked until 12:45am last night. Wow, am I tired. Despite the 8 hours, I got to sit and read a little bit. I have a new idea for a non-fiction book. I know that there are tons of cookbooks out. However, mine would be called something like: I happen to have... It would be categorized by the weird ingredients involved. Everyone has milk, butter, flour, etc. on hand who cooks. Well, say you had some zucchini that a friend gave you. Then I would list the recipes you could make with zuchinni. Breads, Fries, saute's, etc. Then, it would be all together rather than flipping constantly through chapter after chapter. Or maybe I'll make my own cookbook and give it out for Christmas presents :-)

Hey, if you put fresh lemon peel in the fridge, forget about it for a week or two, you will have nice potpourri.

I'm reading this book called "A Portrait of Jesus." It is written by a priest but he doesn't sound too Catholic. It's pretty cool. Even for it's historical value. It is interesting how if you read a book about Hitler or Stalin, that is deemed "cool". They were, after all, extremely influential in their century. They affected thousands of lives for a century. Jesus affected millions of lives for two thousand years, but it isn't "cool" to read about Him. Of course, social studies/ history has probably been the most heavily influenced by the politically correct era.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Castrating Lilies

I castrated my Stargazer Lilies today. Just thought you oughta know. They are the best flowers ever. Ten times better than roses. Roses are pretty too. But I think many girls like them just because that is what culture expects. Kind of like drinking beer....
Maybe David can remind how to put a picture on here and I can put one on of the flowers.

Friday, September 10, 2004

All the World's a Stage- Red lights

Observation of the day:

I think in major cities, like St. Louis, and perhaps everywhere, there is a tendency to want things "now" and want them "fast". Back in my first days of theater, I thought moving around fast meant " you were important." I don't know why, but that is what my teenager brain processed.
Therefore, I think that people around here want everything now and move fast because that makes them feel important. They think that others will think they are important because their time is more important than other peoples. Yet again, theater is like real life. But really, the easy going, taking it easy people will live longer.

My observation on life for the day: It is doesn't matter what you drive, or how fast you get there; we will all be stopping at the same red light.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Air Shows are Fun

This Labor Day was probably the best I ever had. Almost even makes up for the crappiest birthday I ever had. I have really cool photos of the Air Show, but I do not know how to attach them :-( There is too much stuff in my head already; I do not want to fill it with tech stuff. That is why I married William :-) Just kidding!!!

Mom kept telling me "forgive and forget". So I looked it up on the internet. Lo and behold, there is a lot written on forgive and forget. I google searched it with Jesus. Every reverend, lay person and PhD seemed to agree -- you can forgive, which is good, but you can't forget. First, physically humans cannot just pluck out memories. If someone has figured it out, they would be a billionaire. Second, how meaningful is forgiveness of an act you have forgotten? Not very. Third, humans must learn and they can't learn unless they remember. Even rats do not forget which part of the maze gives them a shock. Forgiveness does not mean you must tolerate the person or act. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to forget what happened -- this would be naive.

All this makes more sense than what I hear. So I'm going to go with what makes sense. woo hoo! Sanity rules!

Interesting info: A Methodist Church had on its board: " Don't Let Worries Kill You; Let the Church Help". hmmmm...

Really really interesting article on America:


Hey everybody, check this out! It's the best website in the world!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Funny Stuff

I came across this really funny website:

All is good for the most part. Going to the St. Louis County Fair and Air Show tomorrow. :-)

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Families suck and "Grow Up"

Here's my beef with the following people:

Sister #5: Cries and convinces mom that I don't like her because she misinterprets one freakin' sentence. Despite driving over to spend the day with her, talking on MSN with her and other things, she is determined I guess to take everything out of context.

Mom: Calls me up last night knowing that the question will start a fight. "Wanna come to Cracker Barrel tomorrow with your aunts and twin sisters?" Oh ya, I love spending time with people that hate me and cuss out me and my husband. Mom KNOWS this and asks anyway. Then keeps the conversation going by asking questions and assailing me with comments like "you guys just need to grow up." So, after all that it is all MY fault that the conversation started. Then she comes up with, well, i'm just not going to talk to you anymore, just like the twins do. Well FINE. If you want to use childish tactics and tell ME to grow up then you have no friggin' clue. Then, she plays the "they buried my father today and you do this". What the hell did I do?? I didn't call you. I didn't say, hey you wanna go to Cracker Barrel to be with people you haven't seen in ten years, and oh by the way, the two people that hate you will be there too.

Spouse: Hangs up on my mother. The one voice of reason I though I might have had. No, he also resorts to childish tactics and hangs up on her. Great- make a bad situation worse.

Twins: they are full of hate and bitterness. Then, they hang around my family I haven't seen in ten years knowing I am not going to "play nice" and "act two-faced" like the rest of the crowd. Sorry.

"Best friend": Well, she called late at night on my birthday. I was really tired and didn't get the phone. I called her back like two days ago and never receive a response. Maybe I'll have to answer the phone on my next birthday....

I guess if you pretend to live in a fantasy world, that means you are all "grown up". If you resort to childish tactics, that means you're "grown up".
However, if you don't sweep everything under the rug, don't pretend everything is "alright" and act with some sense of what exactly is going on, they I guess you have the mentality of a two year old , like me. So screw it. There is a job opening in my old school district next year for librarian. I will do that and everyone else can go screw themselves.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Customers Suck and Brown

Top ten ways you can suck as a customer:

1. You never learned to say "thank you" so you just walk away like the ignorant fool you are.
2. Leave your stuff in the basket so the checker has to take it out one item at a time. This usually happens in express where everyone is trying to go fast and you've been standing next to your full basket for 2-3 minutes at least.
3. Throw the money on the belt, instead of handing it over.
4. Seperating your 10 items into 3 transactions. And these transcations are used with the same damn credit card.
5. Asking to seperate every item into one paper bag. If you are over 65, you have a 80% greater chance of asking for paper.
6. Plastic inside paper. What the hell is that all about?
7. Combining 3-4 kinds of produce in one bag and they are all different kinds. Sorry, we can't weigh apples with oranges, just as the saying goes.
8. Coupons for everything. Get a life, stop clipping your coupons and arguing over every damn one. It's life, get over it.
9. Old people who cannot read the display two inches from their face go out and drive home!
10. Coming into the 12 items or fewer line with 20 items.

I am practically finished with "Fast Food Nation". I skipped over many of the anecdotes -- they seemed like they had little information in them that I wanted. So I started on "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.

Brown is obsessed with naked men and penises. Every book has a naked man and references a penis at least every hundred pages. Perhaps he has an unconscious penis envy problem.

I have also already found an error in his "facts." Go figure!! He claims our word for "Satan" came from Islam. A simple dictionary search says this word is from Hebrew originally. It has gone through many languages, but the first one mentioned is Hebrew. Also, he claims that the US government did not invent the WWW. That is what every communication textbook I have read has taught.