Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Air Shows are Fun

This Labor Day was probably the best I ever had. Almost even makes up for the crappiest birthday I ever had. I have really cool photos of the Air Show, but I do not know how to attach them :-( There is too much stuff in my head already; I do not want to fill it with tech stuff. That is why I married William :-) Just kidding!!!

Mom kept telling me "forgive and forget". So I looked it up on the internet. Lo and behold, there is a lot written on forgive and forget. I google searched it with Jesus. Every reverend, lay person and PhD seemed to agree -- you can forgive, which is good, but you can't forget. First, physically humans cannot just pluck out memories. If someone has figured it out, they would be a billionaire. Second, how meaningful is forgiveness of an act you have forgotten? Not very. Third, humans must learn and they can't learn unless they remember. Even rats do not forget which part of the maze gives them a shock. Forgiveness does not mean you must tolerate the person or act. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to forget what happened -- this would be naive.

All this makes more sense than what I hear. So I'm going to go with what makes sense. woo hoo! Sanity rules!

Interesting info: A Methodist Church had on its board: " Don't Let Worries Kill You; Let the Church Help". hmmmm...

Really really interesting article on America: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/8-12-03/discussion.cgi.59.html


Hamsterbabe said...
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Dgcopter said...

That reminds me of all those jokes with dangling participles..."He was reported to the Dean for verbal abuse"...is it just me, or doesn't that sound like the Dean's department is verbal abuse?