Saturday, September 25, 2004


If you leave a McDonald's hamburger at room temperature for 2 weeks, it will not grow mold or anything. ewwwww.

Francis Howell sucks. You cannot get through to anyone. They bounce you around in limbo and do not answer your questions unless you harass them and keep calling. The interviewers lie to you and do not notify you if there is a change of plans. The associate principal kept me waiting 5-8 minutes past my interview time. They do not return your phone calls. And I thought that the dinky little school districts in Northeast Missouri were not so professional. The administration there was 100X more professional than the run around of this district. I have more teaching experience and a higher degree than some of the Coordinators of this program, so I can complain. :-)

At St. Joseph School, I substituted half a day. Well, the kids had there reading time. We ended up with an hour of reading time. These 7th graders read the whole time without as much as a peep. They were better than every 11th grader I had at Knox High School. I couldn't believe it. Perhaps there is hope for the world.

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