Wednesday, September 29, 2004

WIC and Satan

I'm starting to read "The Origin of Satan". It is pretty interesting.
I have applied at Mohela, the student loan company, for a customer service representative. They will be revieweing resumes and choosing the most "qualified" candidates. But hey, I applied and they actually sent me an email back in response. That was very nice.
I officially hate welfare. I had 1 minute left of work and this woman with 3 screaming kids comes into my line with 3 WIC checks, a Food stamp order and a can of air freshner. So I left late thanks to the woman who didn't separate her WIC stuff out. They gave me my break early, so I had been on my feet for 3 hours straight and get stupid woman. And you can probably guess the nationality. Same one as everyone else on food stamps. It's ironic how I would have more medical coverage if I had a baby, if I quit my job instead of working. Some may argue that "it helps them out until they find a job." Well, I know these people and I've been checking them out for 5 years. Some were on WIC even longer than that.

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