Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Work at Starbucks and Learn Their Secrets

Okay. I love coffee - all kinds. I have been trying to read up on how to make my own cafe mochas and lattes and it looks complicated. Of course, I don't have the machine. But even still. So now I'm thinking - hey - I could work for Starbucks. Just 4 hours a week and learn their secrets and make my own!!! Well nobody works 4 hours a week, and William probably won't let me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

I Retract Earlier Post about Aldi

Aldi the "stock-up" store has decided to "jack up" prices so they are no longer a good deal. I can get sugar and frozen OJ cheaper on sale at Schnucks than I can at Aldi. And Schnucks is sometimes double the price of Walmart - depending on the product. So Aldi can just go downhill - making me bag my own groceries AND pay more - they might as well call themselves "Shop N Save".

Current Book: "The List" by Tara Ison. This was our book club reading for October. I got to page 12 or so and can't stand it. Any half-decent high school writer can write stream-of-consciousness about sex and drugs. And pumpkin. ewwwww.. Don't get me started on THAT scene. So naturally it was given 5/5 stars on Amazon. I wonder if people who know the author, or the author herself ever puts those reviews on Amazon.... Well anywho. I'm going to Book Club and not read it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

How you can tell you're a Nerd

You have your library card number memorized. Yes, this means you're a nerd :-) Doh.

Movies to see:
The Golden Compass, Charlie Wilson's War, Spiderman 3, the Devil Wears Prada

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dumbo Bumbo

So there was this big consumer report regarding the Bumbo Seat for babies. Some dumb parents were not watching their kid, put a baby 4 feet up in the air and want to sue the company because the kid fell out. Well this is exactly why 1, I never use the seat, and 2, when I did use the seat for a couple weeks it was on the FLOOR. Wow what a concept. To put a baby who rolls all over the place on the floor and not 4 feet in the air on a countertop. Are parents really this dumb that they can't use common sense? Why do you think so many baby items come with straps? Because the kid rolls out of EVERYthing. I feel so sorry for those babies that fell.

Another point to make out is that GMA reported 27 or 28 babies had gone to the emergency room because of the seat and 3 with skull fractures. Now during that show how many babies were shaken, or subjected to cigarette smoke, pot, drugs, alcohol, or violence? Probably more than some dumb seat.

There was a neat debate on the Laura Ingram Show. Atheism debate between Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker filled one hour and I could have probably listened to 3 or 4. Dinesh wrote "What's So Great About Christianity". Dan Barker is Co-president, Freedom From Religion Foundation. Minister Turned Atheist.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Usborne and Rowling

Well I was an Usborne consultant for one day. Then I remembered why I quit teaching -- I get tired of selling things and people really fast. Not that I don't like people. But I am better working with loans, money, etc. So I called and canceled.

JK Rowling's attempt at more fame is sickening and utterly pointless.

Painted the loft today and taped the rest of the house up. We ate at Red Lobster and Cheesecake Factory the other day. Super YUMMY!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Before and After Pictures

Well I tried to post the pictures on Blogspot, but it keeps giving me an error.

Here are the Before and After Pics.

The Truth Project

We began 2 weeks ago on a Focus on the Family DVD series called "The Truth Project". It is 12 1-hour DVD's focusing on developing a biblical world view.
I really really thought it was great and gave me - finally - some food for thought. Actually got into some discussion that I had been wanting again, well since leaving college. Much more refreshing than the same old regurgitating information. Though others found it not so refreshing and that the junior and senior level high school vocab/content could not be followed. But that gets into - what is Focus on the Family's target audience? Is it a select few educated Christians, or the general Christian and non-Christian masses?

DVD 1 - Talked about truth and what is truth. Why did Jesus come, not to save us but to bring us the truth, therefore saving us. I missed about 1/3 of it feeding Maddox so I don't have very many notes.

DVD 2 - Talked about Philosophy and Ethics. Living in a black box with God outside of it or not outside of it. And if you do believe that God is in and outside the box (metaphor for "world" or "universe") than how can you still go about living as if He isn't there? If you do live as if He is not there, then you are living "in the world" where there is no God and the bible warns Christians about that over and over again.
Another good point was of one man divided up the terms "morality" and "ethics". Morality used to be looking at things as they are. Whether something is morally good or bad. Ethics looks at how they ought to be. However, he noted modern society merges the two terms together often, especially when taking statistics. If the majority says X, no matter what it is, they often present X now as morally and ethically right.
Another theme I see going through the series, which has not presented itself in discussion very much, is the formal vs. personal biblical world view. In other words, the majority of the population lacking God in their everyday life or personal life, but He is there in a formal way. Which reminded me of times before Newton, and even after Newton, particularly before the 1950's esp. God, the bible, etc. was involved in the every day activities of the lives of Christians through prayer.

Where do you think we get "bless you"? From an old tradition of believing the devil can capture your soul when you sneeze it out. But modern times still holds this tradition. We still say "goodbye" which I believe is derived from "God be with you". Or the term holiday is "holy day".

He pointed out Romans 12:2 and some other versus but I didn't have my pen and paper yet.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Free Makeover!!!

I am sooo way excited!!! I get a free all over makeover tomorrow at 2pm for "Show Me St. Louis". Hair, makeup, hair color and cut, clothes, WOO HOO!!!! Did I mention I am excited??? So set your mythTV's and your TV'os to Channel 5 at 3:30pm on November 7th! Unless they can't make me pretty - then they won't use my pic I guess. LOL!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Diaper Bag and finished book

I found and bought the best diaper bag EVER. CUTE DIAPER BAG
It is cute and holds everything.

Update on "The Lightning Thief": Finished the book. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. I enjoyed the plot. The characters were so-so. The pace was great - sometimes you didn't want to put the book down. It won't ever be a classic, but it was a fun fast read - seeing as the reading level was probably around 5th grade.

Maddox is holding a sippy cup very well now. He didn't really care for the ones with the handles that are supposed to be a "transition". Still need to keep that kid from wanting to eat at 2am though.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Finished Painting

whew - after two coats the bathroom downstairs is finally done. The first coat didn't turn out so well. It was kind of... well blue. VERY blue. So I mixed two paints with my awesome painting powers to get the color I wanted without buying more paint at the store. woo hoo!

"The Lightning Thief" is a strange novel about a boy named Percy. I was hoping it wasn't a Harry Potter pseudo-knockoff. But Percy goes off with a boy, Grover, and a girl, Annabeth, to go into the Underworld and get the lightning bolt that Hades stole from Zeus. Right, this is set in modern times, but the Greek gods are real and still having half-human babies. The demigods go to a special camp because monsters try to kill them. Mount Olympus is now at the Empire State building and Hades is in - you guessed it - Los Angeles. LOL. That little touch was pretty funny.

Friday, October 12, 2007

New Book: Michael Denton's Evolution: A Theory in Crisis

I also got the Mark Twain winner (or nominee?) "The Lightning Thief".
Denton's book is going over Darwin's theory and the holes in it.

Got tired of Doubts about Darwin. Seemed to be a secondary and tertiary source of information on something I could get more directly at the library. But it did have some good direction to look into like Philip Johnson's book and arguments regarding the Evolution Theory as well. The book did it's job because it was more about Intelligent Design when I was more interested in the holes on Evolution on our science textbooks.

I have the bathroom downstairs halfway in destruction. Ready to paint the top half blue and put white beadboard at the bottom. Like they say on HGTV, this is my inspiration room:

Yes, a knock-off of Pottery Barn. But everyone else does too. Well at least Target does. Hence Williams-Sonoma sued the Target Corporation.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lake St. Louis Conspires Against Me

Yet again the universe is against me. Not only would it have been okay to finish our basement before 2006 - but it would also be okay after 2009. Yes, because that is when you didn't have to have an egress window in order to finish your basement.

But, if you happen to be me and want to finish your basement, say now, then you have to get an egress window installed. You know - just redo your foundation and re-landscape one side of your house! It'll be easy.

But after 2009 they will change this rule. Yeah like I want to wait that long. Thanks Lake St. Louis. I can't put up a fence, you block my street starting next week, and I can't finish my basement in time for my Usborne party, Thanksgiving or Christmas.


On a happy note, my house was boo'ed yesterday. That was fun. I got a whole box of my favorite movie candy: milk duds with some other goodies. I boo'ed 4 people in return. I don't know why. I was trying to be nice and couldn't narrow it down to two people so I boo'ed four.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Maddox can do...

He can clap and wave and play "So Big!"

Mom can play "So Tired!"

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Current Book: Doubts about Darwin

by Thomas Woodard.

Most prolific subject in the book: Michael Denton's paper on Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. May be interesting to read for ourselves later on.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Missing good ol' college days

Yeah you never think it possible. But I miss the good ol' college days of discussion and bouncing ideas and reading. We do that somewhat every other Friday - but after 8pm - which is around the same time my brain powers down into "sleep mode". I am most productive between 6-8am.

We use to talk about Shakespeare, philosophy, theater, mathematics, physics, history, etc. But doesn't seem like that happens much anymore. It did briefly while I worked at my old/new job at Citi. We could discuss ideas like that and chit chat. But now I'm home and the 9 month old doesn't have much discussion in him. Who knows. Maybe he'll teach me more than a college textbook after all....

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Rombach's Pumpkin Patch today. Usually you get the jackets out and go hunting down some good pumpkins. Well instead we had to break out the sunscreen and swimsuits just to keep up with the heat. Yuck. Fun time - but way too hot for October. By next week I'm sure it'll be a high of 40 degrees - such is Missouri.

Friday, October 05, 2007

I have returned!!!

Hey it's me - I'm back and now gotta kid.