Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Lake St. Louis Conspires Against Me

Yet again the universe is against me. Not only would it have been okay to finish our basement before 2006 - but it would also be okay after 2009. Yes, because that is when you didn't have to have an egress window in order to finish your basement.

But, if you happen to be me and want to finish your basement, say now, then you have to get an egress window installed. You know - just redo your foundation and re-landscape one side of your house! It'll be easy.

But after 2009 they will change this rule. Yeah like I want to wait that long. Thanks Lake St. Louis. I can't put up a fence, you block my street starting next week, and I can't finish my basement in time for my Usborne party, Thanksgiving or Christmas.


On a happy note, my house was boo'ed yesterday. That was fun. I got a whole box of my favorite movie candy: milk duds with some other goodies. I boo'ed 4 people in return. I don't know why. I was trying to be nice and couldn't narrow it down to two people so I boo'ed four.

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