Monday, October 29, 2007

I Retract Earlier Post about Aldi

Aldi the "stock-up" store has decided to "jack up" prices so they are no longer a good deal. I can get sugar and frozen OJ cheaper on sale at Schnucks than I can at Aldi. And Schnucks is sometimes double the price of Walmart - depending on the product. So Aldi can just go downhill - making me bag my own groceries AND pay more - they might as well call themselves "Shop N Save".

Current Book: "The List" by Tara Ison. This was our book club reading for October. I got to page 12 or so and can't stand it. Any half-decent high school writer can write stream-of-consciousness about sex and drugs. And pumpkin. ewwwww.. Don't get me started on THAT scene. So naturally it was given 5/5 stars on Amazon. I wonder if people who know the author, or the author herself ever puts those reviews on Amazon.... Well anywho. I'm going to Book Club and not read it.

1 comment:

The Book Fiend said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. :)

It's a shame you're not enjoying The List, but it'd be a boring old world if we all liked the same things, eh?

I'm part of several reading circles (one local, the rest on-line) and I don't always enjoy the books chosen either (and, like you, in some cases, I haven't even finished them). I hope you'll enjoy the next choice more!