Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dumbo Bumbo

So there was this big consumer report regarding the Bumbo Seat for babies. Some dumb parents were not watching their kid, put a baby 4 feet up in the air and want to sue the company because the kid fell out. Well this is exactly why 1, I never use the seat, and 2, when I did use the seat for a couple weeks it was on the FLOOR. Wow what a concept. To put a baby who rolls all over the place on the floor and not 4 feet in the air on a countertop. Are parents really this dumb that they can't use common sense? Why do you think so many baby items come with straps? Because the kid rolls out of EVERYthing. I feel so sorry for those babies that fell.

Another point to make out is that GMA reported 27 or 28 babies had gone to the emergency room because of the seat and 3 with skull fractures. Now during that show how many babies were shaken, or subjected to cigarette smoke, pot, drugs, alcohol, or violence? Probably more than some dumb seat.

There was a neat debate on the Laura Ingram Show. Atheism debate between Dinesh D'Souza and Dan Barker filled one hour and I could have probably listened to 3 or 4. Dinesh wrote "What's So Great About Christianity". Dan Barker is Co-president, Freedom From Religion Foundation. Minister Turned Atheist.

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