Monday, October 15, 2007

Finished Painting

whew - after two coats the bathroom downstairs is finally done. The first coat didn't turn out so well. It was kind of... well blue. VERY blue. So I mixed two paints with my awesome painting powers to get the color I wanted without buying more paint at the store. woo hoo!

"The Lightning Thief" is a strange novel about a boy named Percy. I was hoping it wasn't a Harry Potter pseudo-knockoff. But Percy goes off with a boy, Grover, and a girl, Annabeth, to go into the Underworld and get the lightning bolt that Hades stole from Zeus. Right, this is set in modern times, but the Greek gods are real and still having half-human babies. The demigods go to a special camp because monsters try to kill them. Mount Olympus is now at the Empire State building and Hades is in - you guessed it - Los Angeles. LOL. That little touch was pretty funny.

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