Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Truth Project

We began 2 weeks ago on a Focus on the Family DVD series called "The Truth Project". It is 12 1-hour DVD's focusing on developing a biblical world view.
I really really thought it was great and gave me - finally - some food for thought. Actually got into some discussion that I had been wanting again, well since leaving college. Much more refreshing than the same old regurgitating information. Though others found it not so refreshing and that the junior and senior level high school vocab/content could not be followed. But that gets into - what is Focus on the Family's target audience? Is it a select few educated Christians, or the general Christian and non-Christian masses?

DVD 1 - Talked about truth and what is truth. Why did Jesus come, not to save us but to bring us the truth, therefore saving us. I missed about 1/3 of it feeding Maddox so I don't have very many notes.

DVD 2 - Talked about Philosophy and Ethics. Living in a black box with God outside of it or not outside of it. And if you do believe that God is in and outside the box (metaphor for "world" or "universe") than how can you still go about living as if He isn't there? If you do live as if He is not there, then you are living "in the world" where there is no God and the bible warns Christians about that over and over again.
Another good point was of one man divided up the terms "morality" and "ethics". Morality used to be looking at things as they are. Whether something is morally good or bad. Ethics looks at how they ought to be. However, he noted modern society merges the two terms together often, especially when taking statistics. If the majority says X, no matter what it is, they often present X now as morally and ethically right.
Another theme I see going through the series, which has not presented itself in discussion very much, is the formal vs. personal biblical world view. In other words, the majority of the population lacking God in their everyday life or personal life, but He is there in a formal way. Which reminded me of times before Newton, and even after Newton, particularly before the 1950's esp. God, the bible, etc. was involved in the every day activities of the lives of Christians through prayer.

Where do you think we get "bless you"? From an old tradition of believing the devil can capture your soul when you sneeze it out. But modern times still holds this tradition. We still say "goodbye" which I believe is derived from "God be with you". Or the term holiday is "holy day".

He pointed out Romans 12:2 and some other versus but I didn't have my pen and paper yet.

1 comment:

tommy_ttga said...

WELL, for whatever it's worth...I read that the "God Bless you" thing began around the time of the plague, a sneeze being the first signs of the disease from which one would surely die...
Enjoyed your comments.