Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Long Time

It's been a long time. Sorry. It's after Christmas and I had a good time in Kirksville. Working 50 hours a week makes you tired. But, I guess people used to work 60-80 hours a week for 6 days. Having Sunday off. I learned lots of new thins in my "Made in America" book. Bill Bryson does a really good job. I would like to write a book on all the stuff our teachers are teaching wrong in school. Maybe if I took it from an education perspective and not history perspective, it might get published. But I have no history degree, so no agent would look at a history book by me.
Also, I got a 188 on the Elementary Education test. The highest is 200 and the average is 177. That is kind of scary though- people taking these tests and have not taken a course on the subject. But mainly, I wanted to pass because the test costs $100 and I didn't want to spend any more money on another test.
Josh Groban is on PBS tonight and I must work. Bummer.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

US Bank sux

If you go over by even $1 in your checking account, US Bank will charge you $25 for each overdraft charge. And they will not tell you "insufficient funds" at the ATM. It will happily charge you another $25 and give you money. The rat bastards don't care, they just want your money. And if you have enough in your savings account, they will not take it from there -- because then they won't get their money that they so desperately need.
I am substitute teaching and working at stupid Schnucks in the mean time.

End transmission.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

No Women

There are no women that are major game show hosts. Great Britain was the first to do that.
After Julia Child, there are fewer women that are "master chefs" despite the fact that cooking tends to be a female job.
There are no women that say the primetime news. That is up to Tom, Charlie, Dan and the ABC guy I can't remember.
The major make-up artists are men, beginning with Max Factor in the 1950s.

But if there is a disaster, the normal thing to do is get the "women and children" out first. Somehow, women and children are more prized. If there is a massacre in history, it is noted separately "women and children were killed." Women are not made to sign up for the draft. (I know the normal reasons, but it is an example for this particular argument.)

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Not Publishing

Well, I haven't posted in a while because I have been posting it is not publishing to my page. :-(

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Aldi = Awesome

I love Aldi. I will never shop anywhere else. Aldi still has a lot of overhead -- being a multi-national corporation and all -- yet does not have the screw-you-over prices like at Schnuck's and Dierberg's. For those of us not earning 6-figure salaries, I think it is a very tiny sacrafice to not have a full-service deli and bakery trying to sell you things you don't need. And if you think you will get out of Schnuck's faster -- oh no. Pity to you that has an item not in our computer and must go for a price check (this happens at least once a day). Or the price on the item is not the price that rings up! Happens often too. And we also have to bag your groceries, which takes time. Aldi does not bag it for you, just gets you out of there quick. I also find Aldi cleaner too. The food goes in the cart and not on the Schnuck's belts. Those black belts are disgusting! The checking area is black with filth.

Here are some simple examples off the top of my head:

Schnuck's Aldi

6 roses $18.00 $3.00
Pringles' $1.79 $.95
2.5 oz lunch meat $.79 $.35
Apple Cider $3.99 $1.99
Happy Apples (4) $2.00 $1.89
12oz shrimp $6.00 minimum $3.99
Cream of Mushroom $.95 $.35
10lb. rus. potatoes $7.90 $1.29
Can cream corn $1.09 $.33
10 tortillas $1.50 $.69
Bananas $.59/lb. $.33/lb.
Box of tea (24ct.) $2.50 $1.29
Bag of name brand candy $2.50 $1.99
Bag of onions $1.99 $.69

Shall I go on? This isn't a few pennies here and there, this is dollars here and there. You save $25 for every $100 you spend. You can go get a nice meal at Casa Gallardo for two people for that money! What does Schnuck's do with the money? Well, in addition to their corporate overhead and loss prevention, they continually hire teenagers that don't care, don't know how to answer questions, don't know where anything is, and don't work. That is my happy thought for the day. And yet also another rebellion against my parents -- they both buy their food at Schnuck's and refuses to go anywhere else.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Elementary Ed.

Well, I think I now will be an Elementary Teacher. There are several leaving St. Joseph School this year, plus perhaps the Technology Coordinator. Even if I get the Tech job full-time, an Elementary Certificate probably couldn't hurt. In Missouri, all you have to do is take the Praxis II test in the field you want to teach, pass it, and you're in! It is like taking a final exam for a class without having to take the class. I could get certified to teach everything if I wanted to! Scary, huh?

The Big Mac versus Subway commercial is scary and effective.

I really want some coffee. Please send ASAP to my address in St. Charles. Thanks. ;-)

I have to go to work... so no philosophical thoughts for today.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

WIC and Satan

I'm starting to read "The Origin of Satan". It is pretty interesting.
I have applied at Mohela, the student loan company, for a customer service representative. They will be revieweing resumes and choosing the most "qualified" candidates. But hey, I applied and they actually sent me an email back in response. That was very nice.
I officially hate welfare. I had 1 minute left of work and this woman with 3 screaming kids comes into my line with 3 WIC checks, a Food stamp order and a can of air freshner. So I left late thanks to the woman who didn't separate her WIC stuff out. They gave me my break early, so I had been on my feet for 3 hours straight and get stupid woman. And you can probably guess the nationality. Same one as everyone else on food stamps. It's ironic how I would have more medical coverage if I had a baby, if I quit my job instead of working. Some may argue that "it helps them out until they find a job." Well, I know these people and I've been checking them out for 5 years. Some were on WIC even longer than that.

Saturday, September 25, 2004


If you leave a McDonald's hamburger at room temperature for 2 weeks, it will not grow mold or anything. ewwwww.

Francis Howell sucks. You cannot get through to anyone. They bounce you around in limbo and do not answer your questions unless you harass them and keep calling. The interviewers lie to you and do not notify you if there is a change of plans. The associate principal kept me waiting 5-8 minutes past my interview time. They do not return your phone calls. And I thought that the dinky little school districts in Northeast Missouri were not so professional. The administration there was 100X more professional than the run around of this district. I have more teaching experience and a higher degree than some of the Coordinators of this program, so I can complain. :-)

At St. Joseph School, I substituted half a day. Well, the kids had there reading time. We ended up with an hour of reading time. These 7th graders read the whole time without as much as a peep. They were better than every 11th grader I had at Knox High School. I couldn't believe it. Perhaps there is hope for the world.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Working Late

I worked until 12:45am last night. Wow, am I tired. Despite the 8 hours, I got to sit and read a little bit. I have a new idea for a non-fiction book. I know that there are tons of cookbooks out. However, mine would be called something like: I happen to have... It would be categorized by the weird ingredients involved. Everyone has milk, butter, flour, etc. on hand who cooks. Well, say you had some zucchini that a friend gave you. Then I would list the recipes you could make with zuchinni. Breads, Fries, saute's, etc. Then, it would be all together rather than flipping constantly through chapter after chapter. Or maybe I'll make my own cookbook and give it out for Christmas presents :-)

Hey, if you put fresh lemon peel in the fridge, forget about it for a week or two, you will have nice potpourri.

I'm reading this book called "A Portrait of Jesus." It is written by a priest but he doesn't sound too Catholic. It's pretty cool. Even for it's historical value. It is interesting how if you read a book about Hitler or Stalin, that is deemed "cool". They were, after all, extremely influential in their century. They affected thousands of lives for a century. Jesus affected millions of lives for two thousand years, but it isn't "cool" to read about Him. Of course, social studies/ history has probably been the most heavily influenced by the politically correct era.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Castrating Lilies

I castrated my Stargazer Lilies today. Just thought you oughta know. They are the best flowers ever. Ten times better than roses. Roses are pretty too. But I think many girls like them just because that is what culture expects. Kind of like drinking beer....
Maybe David can remind how to put a picture on here and I can put one on of the flowers.

Friday, September 10, 2004

All the World's a Stage- Red lights

Observation of the day:

I think in major cities, like St. Louis, and perhaps everywhere, there is a tendency to want things "now" and want them "fast". Back in my first days of theater, I thought moving around fast meant " you were important." I don't know why, but that is what my teenager brain processed.
Therefore, I think that people around here want everything now and move fast because that makes them feel important. They think that others will think they are important because their time is more important than other peoples. Yet again, theater is like real life. But really, the easy going, taking it easy people will live longer.

My observation on life for the day: It is doesn't matter what you drive, or how fast you get there; we will all be stopping at the same red light.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Air Shows are Fun

This Labor Day was probably the best I ever had. Almost even makes up for the crappiest birthday I ever had. I have really cool photos of the Air Show, but I do not know how to attach them :-( There is too much stuff in my head already; I do not want to fill it with tech stuff. That is why I married William :-) Just kidding!!!

Mom kept telling me "forgive and forget". So I looked it up on the internet. Lo and behold, there is a lot written on forgive and forget. I google searched it with Jesus. Every reverend, lay person and PhD seemed to agree -- you can forgive, which is good, but you can't forget. First, physically humans cannot just pluck out memories. If someone has figured it out, they would be a billionaire. Second, how meaningful is forgiveness of an act you have forgotten? Not very. Third, humans must learn and they can't learn unless they remember. Even rats do not forget which part of the maze gives them a shock. Forgiveness does not mean you must tolerate the person or act. Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to forget what happened -- this would be naive.

All this makes more sense than what I hear. So I'm going to go with what makes sense. woo hoo! Sanity rules!

Interesting info: A Methodist Church had on its board: " Don't Let Worries Kill You; Let the Church Help". hmmmm...

Really really interesting article on America:


Hey everybody, check this out! It's the best website in the world!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Funny Stuff

I came across this really funny website:

All is good for the most part. Going to the St. Louis County Fair and Air Show tomorrow. :-)

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Families suck and "Grow Up"

Here's my beef with the following people:

Sister #5: Cries and convinces mom that I don't like her because she misinterprets one freakin' sentence. Despite driving over to spend the day with her, talking on MSN with her and other things, she is determined I guess to take everything out of context.

Mom: Calls me up last night knowing that the question will start a fight. "Wanna come to Cracker Barrel tomorrow with your aunts and twin sisters?" Oh ya, I love spending time with people that hate me and cuss out me and my husband. Mom KNOWS this and asks anyway. Then keeps the conversation going by asking questions and assailing me with comments like "you guys just need to grow up." So, after all that it is all MY fault that the conversation started. Then she comes up with, well, i'm just not going to talk to you anymore, just like the twins do. Well FINE. If you want to use childish tactics and tell ME to grow up then you have no friggin' clue. Then, she plays the "they buried my father today and you do this". What the hell did I do?? I didn't call you. I didn't say, hey you wanna go to Cracker Barrel to be with people you haven't seen in ten years, and oh by the way, the two people that hate you will be there too.

Spouse: Hangs up on my mother. The one voice of reason I though I might have had. No, he also resorts to childish tactics and hangs up on her. Great- make a bad situation worse.

Twins: they are full of hate and bitterness. Then, they hang around my family I haven't seen in ten years knowing I am not going to "play nice" and "act two-faced" like the rest of the crowd. Sorry.

"Best friend": Well, she called late at night on my birthday. I was really tired and didn't get the phone. I called her back like two days ago and never receive a response. Maybe I'll have to answer the phone on my next birthday....

I guess if you pretend to live in a fantasy world, that means you are all "grown up". If you resort to childish tactics, that means you're "grown up".
However, if you don't sweep everything under the rug, don't pretend everything is "alright" and act with some sense of what exactly is going on, they I guess you have the mentality of a two year old , like me. So screw it. There is a job opening in my old school district next year for librarian. I will do that and everyone else can go screw themselves.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Customers Suck and Brown

Top ten ways you can suck as a customer:

1. You never learned to say "thank you" so you just walk away like the ignorant fool you are.
2. Leave your stuff in the basket so the checker has to take it out one item at a time. This usually happens in express where everyone is trying to go fast and you've been standing next to your full basket for 2-3 minutes at least.
3. Throw the money on the belt, instead of handing it over.
4. Seperating your 10 items into 3 transactions. And these transcations are used with the same damn credit card.
5. Asking to seperate every item into one paper bag. If you are over 65, you have a 80% greater chance of asking for paper.
6. Plastic inside paper. What the hell is that all about?
7. Combining 3-4 kinds of produce in one bag and they are all different kinds. Sorry, we can't weigh apples with oranges, just as the saying goes.
8. Coupons for everything. Get a life, stop clipping your coupons and arguing over every damn one. It's life, get over it.
9. Old people who cannot read the display two inches from their face go out and drive home!
10. Coming into the 12 items or fewer line with 20 items.

I am practically finished with "Fast Food Nation". I skipped over many of the anecdotes -- they seemed like they had little information in them that I wanted. So I started on "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.

Brown is obsessed with naked men and penises. Every book has a naked man and references a penis at least every hundred pages. Perhaps he has an unconscious penis envy problem.

I have also already found an error in his "facts." Go figure!! He claims our word for "Satan" came from Islam. A simple dictionary search says this word is from Hebrew originally. It has gone through many languages, but the first one mentioned is Hebrew. Also, he claims that the US government did not invent the WWW. That is what every communication textbook I have read has taught.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Da Vinci Spoilers

Well, I tried looking at the Dead Sea Scrolls. To my astonishment, they mention nothing of Jesus. You know why? Because they were all written before Jesus was born. So negative points for Dan Brown and his "Da Vinci Code". The more I read, the more Brown is a raving lunatic who spouts these "facts" that are completely wrong. And yes, in the beginning of the book, he states what is "fact". oy.
1. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, not the "1950's"
2. The "expert" in the book claims that the gnostic gospels are more reliable than the ones we have in the bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Fails to mention that M, M, L and J were written in the first century AD. Pretty close to Jesus huh? John was one of his disciples. Furthermore, the gnostic ones were written in the second century. That would be like me writing about the Revolutionary war as a first hand writer. Also, one of the Gnostic Gospels, Gospel of Thomas, says that Jesus said women must become and act like men in order to be saved. Not consistent.
3. Jesus was not voted on being divine in the Council of Nicea. As evident if you read the New Testament.
4. Those gods were not born on December 25! Where the heck did that come from??
5. The only basis for Jesus married to Mary Magdalene is the Gospel of Philip. He says that in Aramaic, "companion" and "spouse" are interchangeable. Well, that would make sense EXCEPT the Gospel was written in Coptic, not Aramaic.
6. Constantaine did not set up Sunday as the Lord's day. It is Sunday because that is the day Jesus rose from the dead. This is stated in the Book of Acts and First Corinthians.
7. APPLE is the answer to one of the riddles. Genesis never says apple -- it has always said "fruit".
8. Christianity is assumed to be "winning the battle" from its beginning. Christians were tortured and killed for their religion. Before Constantine, if you were Christian, you were fair game to be killed.
9. One source I found counted that panes in the Louvre pyramid and did not count 666. Other websites said 666. So, I'm not sure.
10. Constantine had no authority on the Bible at all.
11. After viewing this website: It has a zoom in feature on the Last Supper. I saw who had a dagger. Everyone DOES have a hand. The man fourth from the left is holding a dagger in his hand.
12. Five million witches were not burned. Women and men would have been burned alike. In addition, the highest estimate I have ever seen on the witch hunts is 100,000. But it is usually stated as 20-30,000. Also, they would have been tortured/burned in other ways.

There are many others.

I have two more observations. All of the bad guys are "handicapped" in some way. The albino and the guy on crutches. The good guys are handsome, physically fit and smart.
Two, the companion or "truthworthy" person, the main character's best friend turns out to be the biggest enemy of all. Hmmm... Sounds familar. How about Spiderman? Unbreakable? Superman?

Monday, August 30, 2004

My Birthday

Grandpa died this morning.

Sunday, August 29, 2004


Well, in the past 4 days I've read two large books and one partial book. "Ender's Game" and "The Da Vinci Code". Some of "Fast Food Nation" It seemed that I would have to wait years for it to come out on paperback or years until I was next in line for it at the library.

"Ender's Game" Definitely not for girls. The boy humor is well, for boys. I can forgive that. I really really liked this book. The ending was good. The second ending seemed to be just a set up for a series. Well, you can't really blame the author for that. I could hardly put it down. I always forgot they were just little kids. Somehow, when I pictured the events in my mind, the dialogue always made me want to put adults in the place of the children characters.

"The Da Vinci Code" I really liked the book. He is a good writer, in style, plot and character. However, the ending sucks. Do not read the epilogue. I think it was retarded, and I would have been happier not reading it at all. Also, I do not understand the whole hoopla that the public seems to be going through. One, they must already doubt their faith, and this piece of fiction confirms it. Two, the ignorant public believes that this piece of fiction is fact. Mr. Brown clearly states the facts in the beginning of the book. He intertwines fiction and fact together that the public does not know which is which.
As a result, I will try to find the Dead Sea Scrolls and read them. They may be online somewhere translated into English. I know there is a copy at Hastings Bookstore. One huge contradiction: Brown states Mary Magdalene was demonized by the Catholic Church and turned into a whore. Well, then why did the Catholic Church make her SAINT Mary Magdalene?

"Fast Food Nation" is really interesting. It backs up all of my knowledge and wonderings of the advertising world, and how they will stop at nothing to make a buck.

Also, I heard an interesting conversation on the radio. Basically, even though some people are fed up with the economy, being out of work, etc., they will still vote Republican. And why? Because they hold their values higher than the bottom line. Doesn't that just kick butt? They would rather vote against killing babies and the right to carry and live with a wobbly economy than bow to the almighty dollar.

Oh well.

Happy Birthday to me. In two more hours I will be 25 years old. Maybe Mary will remember....

Saturday, August 21, 2004


Ya know in Full-day Kindergarten you get naps? Well, I just had one. In the middle of the afternoon, I couldn't walk, read or talk anymore, just had to sleep. It was very weird. Then I woke up the sounds of my spouse playing his computer games in the next room.

Every education book that I have read lists things and skills that every Kindergartner, 1st grader, 2nd grader, etc. should know. But, I know for a fact that some of those things in those lists were not taught. I did not have one 11th grader at Knox that knew what a noun was or had the faintest idea. Yet, 6th graders are supposed to be able to know how to diagram basic sentences.

After trying to play "Song For Ireland" I am reminded once again how much I suck at playing bass clef and how much I really really suck at playing treble and bass cleff at the same time. Maybe I am deformed in such a way that it is impossible. I dunno. I'm probably just looking for excuses.

This is a really funny website:

Friday, August 20, 2004

GMA blows goats

I have to go to work tonight at Schnuck's. I would rather work during the day, but Schnuck's doesn't care.

Good Morning America did a story on this stupid woman, ("the victim" according to them) that was speeding on the highway. She did not stop for the cop, but instead sped up to over 100 mph driving in the grass, the shoulder, came within inches of killing someone and risking the many lives of the drivers on the road. She weaved in and out from South Carolina into Georgia. The police in pursuit (the big, bad police according to the stupid, idiot, moronic media) bumped the back of her car because she would not stop. Her vehicle lost control, hit a tree and her and her passenger died. Now, yes the death of people is tragic and seemed unnecessary, but the way GMA presented it was so slanted that you want to throw something at Diane Sawyer.

So, they milk the story by interviewing the weeping father that just lost his daughter. He also refuses to see the video of his crazy driving daughter. They mention for a brief second that she had her license revoked from previous speeding violations. Then, the father says she shouldn't have died because of a speeding violation. Hello! She was running from the police! That is a crime, not a mere "speeding violation".

And do they ask the officer any questions? No, of course not. They are the big, bad police. Let's not consider the cop that has to wake up every morning with the deaths of two people on his conscience. I guess that wouldn't be "politically correct."
So the big, bad police did their job in preventing innocent lives from being lost and GMA gets on their ass.

In a happy note: my tomato turned red!!!! My first tomato I ever grew all by myself! Yeah!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Ol' Stomping Grounds & Relationships

Well, I went to Parkway North yesterday because my little sister had orientation. I knew where everything was, so I showed her around. Not much changed except for the faculty. Around 30-40 teachers retired in the last 2 years. I don't miss teaching all that much. Some things I do miss.

Now onto more philosophical issues.

I think there are three kinds of relationships. One, there is the guy or girl that you are crazy about, there is some kind of "spark" or instant attraction. No matter when or how you meet, it always is there. Call them "soulmates" perhaps. However, these two people have different lives. Maybe they live miles apart, maybe some outside forces just do not allow them to get together, maybe they are on different levels of maturity. Maybe they're ways of life are simply incompatible. They really want to have a relationship, but some outside forces within or out of their control do no allow the relationship to continue.

Two, there is the guy or girl that you get along great with. You may see them often enough that you want to try dating them. Maybe you work or go to school with them. Maybe you attend the same church. You have a lot in common and that gets the relationship going. However, there is no "spark," no attraction and after a while the dating ceases because of this lack of "magic".

Three, there is the combination of the two. I would tend to think that this kind of relationship leads to marriage. First, there is a "spark," an attraction, an instant or growing love for one another. Second, they have similar goals, values, and proximity. Of course, with any marriage there is compromise (sarcrifice and gain)on some of the aforementioned list. That is generally without exception. But in general, the First and Second type combined makes for a good match.

I would tend to think that if you are lucky, you will have all three types. I think to get the third type, you need to experience the first two. That doesn't happen for everyone, but I think it helps with relationship maturity. "Then again, maybe not."

"I could prove God statistically."
George Gallup (1901 - 1984)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Mysterious Ways

Last week, I was working for a company called PracticeMatch, Inc. I thought it would be the change I was looking for. However, after 3 days on the phone I knew it was not for me. Something told me I had to quit. Also, in order to do a good and less stressful job, I had to work nights. This meant missing choir practice and lots of church things. So I quit Wednesday to go to choir practice. That night I met another new person. She happened to work for Francis Howell School District as a Coordinator. There happened to be many job openings in her department at all levels. It isn't the age group I'm used to looking for, but I've done stuff like this before and really enjoyed it. Very interesting coincidence!

I just applied for 3 jobs at FHSD. Hopefully, something will turn up. In the meantime, I am working at Schnuck's. I'd rather work there than where I was before, even if I'm standing for hours on end. I still like the meeting new people. 99% of the time people there are really great. One of the lazy butt cashiers from before left! yeah!

Sunday, August 15, 2004

The American Paradox

The twenty-first century and American culture have spurred some interesting contradictions. This causes confusion and doubt, which our country is replete with. Perhaps paradox is not the correct term, but I like them.

Here are some familiar rules we hear from the media/schools/parents, etc.:

1. We are suppossed to get rid of germs with anti-bacterial agents. However, these agents are producing stronger bacteria and children with little to build and challenge their immune system.

2. The air is bad and full of pollution. So we should avoid the outside. But the inside air is just as bad, perhaps even worse. So don't go inside either.

3. Don't go outside. The UV rays may give you skin cancer. (Especially pale people like me) But, you are encouraged to go outside and exercise. Keep your heart rate up!

4. Eat a lot of carbohydrates. They are the base of the food pyramid taught by our schools for the past ten years. Oh, by the way, that is wrong. Carbs are not the way to go -- protein is.

5. Try to save money. Use coupons, they will keep costs down. But, be good little consumers and spend, spend, spend! That is what keeps our economy going! Good little consumers buying crap they don't need.

6. Video games are bad for your children. They sit there and don't move and become unhealthy. But, get those guys on those video games! They are great at teaching hand-eye coordination. Pilots are getting better and better because of their early training on the good ol' NES system.

7. Around Christmas time, we hear often "Be grateful for what you have", "love everybody", "the most important thing is family". So why does the economists keep careful tabs on what, where and how much people buy at Christmas time? Spend little consumers! We say "Be grateful" but we really mean you don't have the best like your neighbor does! So, you need to get it and be better than they are!

8. Go to church, or synagogue or temple! Be good people. But as soon as they get out of the parking lot, they are ready to run you over to be first. Forget "the first shall be last and the last shall be first" -- especially in St. Louis. Being first is all that matters. People will speed up to 60 mph in a few seconds just so they can get to the red light a few seconds before you do.

9. Learn and master everything until 12th grade. You need a high school diploma! I'd love to know when knowing what a function is, how to take the derivative of a polynomial, solve matrices, know the phases of mitosis and meiosis, calculate force, and basically everything after 7th grade will ever come into my life. (Excluding the fact I teach English and must master some of this stuff.)

10. We're going to tell you not to have extra-marital sex. But, we're going to tell you about every single kind of contraceptive there is and how to use it. Not only that, you will be tested on condoms, female condoms, IUDs, pills, how to put on condoms, shots, diaphragms, spermicide etc. etc. etc. So, the best thing to do is not have sex, but here are one hundred ways to get laid so no one will know about it.

The defintion of paradox is: a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true. Since these statements may or may not be true. I guess I have to ask a professor.

Actually, I started reading "A Brief History of the Paradox" by Roy Sorenson. It is quite interesting. Zeno's paradox is one of the most famous. He asserts motion is impossible. You can read it at this link:

Tis pretty cool. Thanks for reading. Have a great and blessed day.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

New website

Well, actually an old website. If you want fun ecards for your spouse, I highly suggest

Very tasteful nude fine art. That is very difficult to find anymore.

Also, I seem to not be able to add a description. It is saved in my settings, but it isn't posting on the website. Also, I cannot find where to add links. Oy.

The following is a very interesting article on cussing.
It devotes some paragraphs to Christian philosophy. But really, if someone is intelligent and creative they really don't need cuss words.

FORD Service and Repair Sucks

Never go to a Pundmann Ford Service repair shop. They said it would take 125$, or 1.4 hours, to fix something that took me and my husband 10 minutes to fix. At $82 an hour, I should have had a bikini wax, hair cut, free ticket to Six Flags, full body massage AND had my car looked at! Never ever again.

Check out this group named Bond. They are 4 girls that play cool classical music on electric violin and cello. The cello is like 6 inches wide and funky looking.

I just finished the "Left Behind" Series! Yeah! And the peasants rejoice. I don't think it is anti-Catholic. That is silly. They are fictional books that don't have sex, violence etc. The last one seemed to drag on just a little bit. I guess I can't really spoil it for anybody. That's kind of like asking "What happens at the end of 'Titanic'"?

Hello Everybody

Well this is try and error. I'm going to come back and see if I can post again. Cuz this thing was broke before. And a guy that hates me is trying to help me fix it.